Friday Interviewing Fun

By Michelle Malay Carter on March 13, 2008 

questions.jpgHere are some questions you might want to mix in during your next interview just to keep the candidate on his toes.

And last but not least – If I’m OK and you’re OK, why don’t they just fix the system?

Filed Under Employee Engagement, Talent Management


2 Responses to “Friday Interviewing Fun”

  1. Mike King on March 14th, 2008 1:39 am

    Very funny list. I don’t think they’ll make it into my interviews next week but it does make me want to ask some bizarre questions that don’t really have answers… Its fun to see how people respond. I like to push people out of their comfort zone, it tells a lot about a person for in a workplace…

  2. Michelle Malay Carter on March 14th, 2008 8:11 am

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I daresay, that no one will have a scripted answer for any of these questions.
