Don’t Judge Too Quickly – A Friday Funny

By Michelle Malay Carter on March 20, 2009 

This week, we’ve been talking about assessing talent, and one part of that is judging cognitive capacity.

Revisit Judgments
We do caution managers to hold their judgments loosely because it takes a while to become skilled at making the judgments.? We encourage clients to perform a talent pool evaluation annually.

Counter Intuitive Finding
Also, it is also clear that high capability does not always guarantee high performance, especially if a person is underemployed.? Organizations often unwittingly frustrate and then run off their young, high potentials due to ignorance surrounding human capability and work levels.

I Conclude You will Find this Humorous
As you’ll see in this short video, it’s never good to jump to conclusions prematurely, take 30 seconds to give yourself a laugh this Friday.? Thanks to Mike Jay, the World’s Most Innovative Executive Coach, for the point to this one.

Have you ever jumped to a conclusion and later regretted it?? Do tell.

Filed Under Employee Engagement, High Potential, Managerial Leadership, Requisite Organization, Talent Management, Work Levels


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