It’s Lonely In the Total Systems Leadership World – A Friday Fascinating

By Michelle Malay Carter on March 28, 2008 

You’ve likely seen this 60 second video by now. If not, invest 60 seconds before reading further.

The video is a test, and I failed. Watch it to see if you are better at paying attention than I was.

What Are Our Eyes On?

It seems that we all have our eyes on getting individual employees engaged and producing while the macro-level answer is as obvious as a moonwalking bear- adopting a total systems approach to organization design, talent management, and managerial leadership.

It’s time to see the forest for the trees. Do you have eyes to see?

If you want to move beyond counting passes to integrating all the pieces and parts of the game, call me for help with requisite system design.

I’m OK. You’re OK. Let’s fix the system.

Did you pass the awareness test?

Filed Under Corporate Values, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Requisite Organization, Strategy


2 Responses to “It’s Lonely In the Total Systems Leadership World – A Friday Fascinating”

  1. Chris Bailey on March 28th, 2008 5:08 pm

    Hiya Michelle, yeah…I failed miserably, too…and I sort of knew what was coming :)

    I was talking about this same experiment with my wife the other day. She’s reading Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert and he writes at length about how what we focus on can lead to contentment (or not). This isn’t an absolute…it’s often exactly what the experiment shows, that our awareness is often limited by what we apply our focus to.

  2. Michelle Malay Carter on March 31st, 2008 7:54 am

    Hi Chris,

    Welcome. Thanks for the comment. Yes, I’m constantly reminding my kids of the importance of having a grateful heart. Truth be told, I need the reminders as much as they do.

