Merry Christmas – True Leaders Serve

By Michelle Malay Carter on December 25, 2009 

Regardless of your religious persuasion, one lesson we can all take from Jesus was an understanding that true leaders serve.?

This coming year I encourage you to work toward creating a workplace system that does not?drive bad power?but rather unleashes good power which is used in service to others.

Filed Under Requisite Organization


2 Responses to “Merry Christmas – True Leaders Serve”

  1. Mike King on January 4th, 2010 1:00 am

    Life is about service to others, in the boundaries of work and outside with our friends and families. The lessons from Jesus apply universally and you couldn’t approach this better with any other role model. Thank for the recommendation, I concur!

  2. Michelle Malay Carter on January 4th, 2010 8:20 am

    Hi Mike,

    Good to hear from you. Hope your holidays were great.
