Human Resource Work Stratified by Requisite Work Levels

By Michelle Malay Carter on October 8, 2009 

I have a colleague who will be speaking to a society of Human Resource Professionals on the topic of work levels, and it’s meta model, Requisite Organization, developed by Elliott Jaques.? He asked me for help in developing?a hierarchy of typical work within a Human Resource function.?

Requisite Work Levels
Since work levels is a recurring topic here at Mission Minded Management, I thought it might be helpful to publish another set of “real life” examples of work by level.

Sample Longest Task by Work Level:
Work Level 4:
Design and implement a comprehensive strategic talent management system. (2-5 years)

Work Level 3:
Write and implement the operational plan for the roll out of one element within a strategic talent management system. Build feedback loops, assess, and refine processes into a set of best practices. (1 to 2 years)

Work Level 2:
Manage a 4 – 12 month project to implement one section within a serial “roll out” of a new HR methodology or program.

Work Level 1:
Support HR department by providing products as defined, i.e reports, material production. Or by delivering administrative services as trained, i.e. inventory maintenance, scheduling, shipping. (1 day to 3 months)

What level of work is your role?

Filed Under Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Talent Management, Work Levels


One Response to “Human Resource Work Stratified by Requisite Work Levels”

  1. THEO ATA on October 9th, 2009 6:37 am

    May I have the general introduction to the Requisite organization, Thx.