Requisite Organization, Organizational Structure, Managerial Leadership, Talent Assessment – Short Articles
By Michelle Malay Carter on August 31, 2010
What Have You Done for Me Lately? In the blog world, recency is everything! I’ve been going where the energy is lately and that hasn’t been Mission Minded Management. Truth is Timeless – Requisite Organization My blog is rooted in the meta-model, Requisite Organization, which focuses upon structuring your organization to take advantage of […]
Filed Under Accountability, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management | Comments Off on Requisite Organization, Organizational Structure, Managerial Leadership, Talent Assessment – Short Articles
An Employee Best Fit Model – The Capability Assessment Triangle
By Michelle Malay Carter on May 10, 2010
Best Fit Model – PeopleFit’s Capability Assessment Triangle How?do managers go about finding the best fit between employee and role?? Most look at resumes and use behavioral based interviewing, but these?items only get at what someone has already had a chance to do.? With research showing that 20 % of employees are underutilized, we a […]
Filed Under Employee Engagement, High Potential, Managerial Leadership, Requisite Organization, Talent Management, Work Levels | 3 Comments
Talent Assessment – Easy Peasy?
By Michelle Malay Carter on May 6, 2010
It’s?easy to walk on water when you know where the rocks are.??? –? Gerry Kraines I’ve found that managers are highly capable of assessing the relative cognitive capability (by work level) of their employees when they are given a work levels framework. People Are Different, and It’s Not Just about Experience and Education If you […]
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Why You Shouldn’t Hire the Best and the Brightest Candidate
By Michelle Malay Carter on May 5, 2010
Instead of focusing on hiring the best and the brightest candidate that applies for your position, shouldn’t you focus on hiring the best match? The Dangers of Overhiring Focusing on hiring the brightest candidate can lead to overhiring, which, unless you are building bench for growth, creates drag in the system over time. Back to […]
Filed Under High Potential, Managerial Leadership, Requisite Organization, Talent Management, Work Levels | 10 Comments
Why Training Rarely Solves The Problem- I’m OK. You’re OK. Let’s Fix the System
By Michelle Malay Carter on March 29, 2010
Management’s Magic Bullet – Training Training is a fabulous thing – if people need to build knowledge and skills. But how often are issues at work really caused by someone’s lack of knowledge or skill? What does training NOT address? What the accountabilties of my role are, AND what the accountabilities of others’ roles are. […]
Filed Under Accountability, Managerial Leadership, Requisite Organization, Talent Management, Work Levels | 7 Comments
Undercover Boss – Well-Meaning Window Dressing
By Michelle Malay Carter on March 1, 2010
I must admit I’m touched by the hearts of the CEOs who agree to go undercover to experience their organization on the ground floor.? They seem to geniunely care about the people, not just the publicity afforded to their organization by the show. Systems Drive Behavior However, in the end, their righting single incidents or […]
Filed Under Accountability, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, High Potential, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Talent Management, Work Levels | 6 Comments
The Golden Rule is Pyrite
By Michelle Malay Carter on January 28, 2010
One of the greatest life lessons anyone can learn is that WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME.?? When we treat others as we would like to be treated, it may or may not be well received.? If it is not well received, we consider the others to be ingrates, and so the downward spiral begins. […]
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Add Time Spans to Your Resume to Reflect Your Requisite Level of Capability
By Michelle Malay Carter on January 16, 2010
I answered a question on a LinkedIn?Management Consulting?group from a person?inquiring about how to ensure you are being considered for roles at the right level.? Assuming you have been employed at full capacity in your previous work, adding a time element to your resume’s bullet points is one of the best ways to demonstrate your […]
Filed Under Felt Fair Compensation, Requisite Organization, Talent Management, Work Levels | 2 Comments
If You Design It, They Will Engage. Executive Leadership and Requisite Organization Design
By Michelle Malay Carter on January 1, 2010
Trees and flowers don’t strive to grow.??It’s built right into their DNA to grow and to bountifully produce. Executives Should Take a Page from Farmers Executive leadership?should be concerned about creating the conditions necessary for employees to flourish.? People are wired to work.? They want to produce and produce bountifully. Farmers don’t spend their days […]
Filed Under Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Talent Management | 8 Comments
Engaging Employees Through Operationalizing Good Power, Starving Bad Power, and Disallowing No Power
By Michelle Malay Carter on December 21, 2009
I was struck by a message on Good Power Versus Bad Power?at my house of worship last week.? It occurred to me that this is what PeopleFit endeavors to do within Managerial Hierarchies. Throwing The Baby Out with the Bathwater – Egalitarianism We are kidding ourselves to believe?managerial hierarchies can be?egalitarian.? Power must be exercised.? […]
Filed Under Accountability, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Talent Management, Work Levels | 3 Comments