Organization Structure is a Business Initiative Not an HR Initiative
By Michelle Malay Carter on August 14, 2008
Playing off a line from my last post, organization structure is a business initiative, not an HR initiative.? A Missing Collective Understanding I think executives underestimate the connection between organization design as well as all of an organization’s “people” systems, i.e. compensation, performance management, talent management, and organizational sustainability. When executives push down the accountability […]
Filed Under Accountability, Executive Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management, Work Levels | 4 Comments
Distracted from the Mission – A Friday Funny
By Michelle Malay Carter on August 1, 2008
How much time do you spend a work negotiating and renegotiating with peers and colleagues in order to get your work done?? What if we systematized specifying role relationship accountabilities and authorities into job descriptions, leaving the people free to do their work without the constant relationship strategizing? Defining Role Relationships For example:? A human […]
Filed Under Accountability, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Requisite Organization, Strategy | 2 Comments
Separating Observation from Evaluation
By Michelle Malay Carter on July 30, 2008
I’m reading NonViolent Communication, A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg.? Although I am not all the way through it, I am riveted by its content.? I may share more from the book?in the future, but I wanted to start by offering some passages from the book regarding separating observation for evaluation. “Most of […]
Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Personal Observation, Strategy | 2 Comments
Executives are Spiritual Stewards – Help Me Build a Collective Understanding
By Michelle Malay Carter on July 28, 2008
Do executives understand their role as spiritual stewards?? I would love to build a collective understanding around this idea, and I invite you to pass this idea along. Work is a psychological imperative for humans, and all work is creative as it requires discretion and judgment. Therefore, work has the potential to be a noble, […]
Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Executive Leadership, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management | 12 Comments
Driving Ineffective Productivity
By Michelle Malay Carter on July 9, 2008
The problem with blind ambition toward measuring performance is that systems drive behavior.? When cold calculations take the place of managerial judgments, the system is sending a message.? “We don’t have time to look at the prevailing circumstances surrounding your work situation to judge whether your problem solving and decision making was effective, just make […]
Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Employee Engagement, Managerial Leadership, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management | Comments Off on Driving Ineffective Productivity
What Does Managerial Leadership Look Like? A Requisite Approach
By Michelle Malay Carter on July 2, 2008
Elliott Jaques’ Requisite Organization model does a great job of defining a set managerial leadership behaviors which, within a Requisite Organization leadership framework,?would become explicit accountabilities of all managers.? Two way managerial teamworking Context setting Planning Task assignment Personal effectiveness appraisal of direct reports Merit review Coaching Selection and induction Deselection and dismissal Continuous improvement […]
Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management | 2 Comments
Why Perfect Candidates Still Fail on the Job
By Michelle Malay Carter on June 29, 2008
Recruiting Effectiveness Metrics I recently read?a blogger proposing that recruiters should be measured not only by how many slots are filled or how quickly the slots are filled, but also by the first year’s performance of the candidates they place.? I agree that how many and how quickly will not tell the whole story, but […]
Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Talent Management, Work Levels | 4 Comments
Three Organization Design Principles – Why Engagement Sits at about 20 Percent
By Michelle Malay Carter on May 28, 2008
Organizational Engineering At PeopleFit, we consider ourselves organizational engineers.? Meaning, we use scientific knowledge and natural laws in order to design and implement structures, systems, and processes that realize a desired objective and meet specified criteria – i.e. we design requisite leadership systems which produce work enabling organizations rooted in trust, fairness, and accountability. It’s […]
Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Talent Management, Work Levels | 7 Comments
Insightory – A Management Information Repository
By Michelle Malay Carter on May 27, 2008
If you haven’t stumbled upon it yet, you should check out Insightory. It’s a platform for management professionals, academicians and graduate business students to share their knowledge and insights with the corporate world, solve management issues collaboratively, and network with peers who have similar professional interests. Their goal is to do for management knowledge what […]
Filed Under Accountability, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, High Potential, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Succession Planning, Talent Management, Work Levels | 2 Comments
So Just What is a Democratic Workplace?
By Michelle Malay Carter on April 29, 2008
Competitive Elections and Majority Rule? I’ve been pondering this for a while. I looked up the definition of democracy on wikipedia, and unfortunately, there is no three sentence definition. However, it states, that competitive elections is the most common thread. Additionally, majority rule is the next usual predominant feature. (FYI – The USA is a […]
Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management | 11 Comments