Speaking of Faulty Assumptions – A Friday Funny

By Michelle Malay Carter on November 14, 2008 

We’ve been talking about faulty assumptions and problem framing this week.??When we misfire on root cause, we can harm people with misguided?”therapies”.??

What conclusion do you jump to when you see the image below?? Invest 10 seconds to see if you are right.



Filed Under Requisite Organization


One Response to “Speaking of Faulty Assumptions – A Friday Funny”

  1. Taylor on June 28th, 2011 7:13 am

    Oh man, you totally had me going on the video.

    It is sure easy to quickly jump to conclusions.

    Just goes to show how we are trained to quickly process information and pass a judgement or render an opinion, many times falsely, based on what we think we are seeing