Requisite Organization Resources – Talent Management, Accountability, and More
By Michelle Malay Carter on November 10, 2008
For those of you interested in Requisite Organization,?Don and Bonnie Fowke, management consultants from the New Management Network, are hosting a weekly internet radio show exploring various management topics and methodologies.
Below are summaries of their last two shows.? You can access them here.
Talent Management
Don Fowke of Toronto explores how a talent management program ensures companies have succession in place to support growth strategies and how it assists employees to achieve career ambitions.
Accountability in Organizations
Everyone wants accountability but no one wants to hold anyone to account. Herb Koplowitz, President of Terra Firma Management Consulting in Toronto, explores the benefits of accountability, why it is so rarely practiced, and what needs to happen for accountability to add to organizational effectiveness, efficiency and trust.
I’m OK.? You’re OK.? Let’s fix the system.
Filed Under Accountability, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Requisite Organization, Talent Management
4 Responses to “Requisite Organization Resources – Talent Management, Accountability, and More”
I just joined this august group and looking forward to learning more about lots of things including requisite oganizations. I have worked with Don on several projects over the years and found him very insightful.
Should be a good session.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, the Requisite view on Talent Management has some unique and important elements to it.
In today?s competitive environment, it is no longer good enough to offer employees a good place to work. Rather, it is imperative a company creates a work environment where the best want to work. Only when such an environment exists will a company attract and retain the most knowledgeable, skilled, and accomplished employees; who in-turn will effectively execute its activities and make it a viable competitor in an increasingly aggressive marketplace.
Accountability makes a workplace the place where the best performers want to be because of a shared drive for excellence. These organizations, through the individual and collective behaviors of their people, continuously and consequentially pursue performance improvement and achievement of the organization?s mission. The best performers, motivated by one or more of a variety of rewards such as contribution, recognition, advancement, compensation, and control, seek out highly accountable organizations because these organizations feed their motivations while at the same time presenting them with the challenge to continually improve.
All the Best,
Nathan Ives
Principal Contributor
Hi Nathan,
Thanks for the comment. I couldn’t agree more.