Seamless Integration – A True Work of Art

By Michelle Malay Carter on January 24, 2008 

We’ve been talking about integrating the work of the team this week.? Do you think the artistry in the following video clip could have been accomplished without a leader integrating the work of the team?

Filed Under Accountability, Managerial Leadership, Requisite Organization, Talent Management


2 Responses to “Seamless Integration – A True Work of Art”

  1. Bo Carrington on March 1st, 2008 12:59 pm

    Only if the team had a way to see it through the eyes of the leader that has the mental picture of what it is supposed to look like and the ability to “see” their individual role from above.

    The key being that the leader in this case has the whole vision, and not simply a part.

  2. Michelle Malay Carter on March 1st, 2008 1:14 pm


    Hello again. If employees have the capability to “see through the eyes of their leader”, it is time to consider them for a promotion. This is the essence of work levels theory.

