Have RFPs Become yet Another Proxy for Managerial Leadership?

By Michelle Malay Carter on February 19, 2008 

In a noble attempt to stem corruption and to make things objective, we have tried to take the judgment out of the RFP process and turn it into more of a calculation.? We hire people to make judgments; we have calculators for calculating. I realize there are compliance issues surrounding the need for RFPs, and […]

Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Talent Management | 6 Comments

Talent Management Systems Design – The Best Defense is a Good Offence

By Michelle Malay Carter on February 13, 2008 

In my last post, I took a stand against annual, mandatory low performing employee cuts popularized by Jack Welch at GE.? I believe this practice is rooted in an untrue, negative belief set. Cutting the bottom 10% annually is a defensive, compensatory system for lack of understanding of work levels, human capability, and an inadequate […]

Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management | 6 Comments

Where Jack Welch Got It Wrong – The Mandatory, Annual Low-Performer Cut

By Michelle Malay Carter on February 12, 2008 

Don’t Hack Jack! Our underlying beliefs and values drive our behaviors.? Jack Welch believed, ?If you?ve got 16 employees, at least two are turkeys.??? From this belief flowed the talent management systems at GE.? One of the most controversial (and unfortunately?emulated) practices was that of cutting the bottom performing 10% of employees annually. Judy at […]

Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management, Work Levels | 13 Comments

Time Span of Discretion- Requisite Point of Clarification

By Michelle Malay Carter on February 10, 2008 

A reader question from my last post reminded me that I?should make the following point of clarification.? As useful as I find the Requisite Organization model, it is not applicable to every organization.? Jaques? Requisite Organization meta model, which includes the concept of?time span, applies to managerial accountability hierarchies.? Although some components may be useful, […]

Filed Under Felt Fair Compensation, Requisite Organization, Work Levels | 2 Comments

CEO Pay – A Friday Not So Funny

By Michelle Malay Carter on February 7, 2008 

If you’ve been reading all week about felt?fair compensation, then what I am about to say has already probably occurred to you. Not All CEO Roles Are Created Equal Not all organizations have an equal number of work levels.? As an organization becomes more complex, more work levels are necessary to carry out the strategy, […]

Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Executive Leadership, Felt Fair Compensation, Requisite Organization, Work Levels | 5 Comments

Felt Fair Compensation – She Said What?

By Michelle Malay Carter on February 7, 2008 

Since my last two posts on felt fair pay were more technical in nature, I thought I would create a post on the subject that was more conversational. If a friend were to ask me about felt fair pay, here is what I would say: As it turns out, we humans have an internal sense […]

Filed Under Employee Engagement, Felt Fair Compensation, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Work Levels | 4 Comments

How the Compensation Industry Machine Silenced a Circumventor – A True Story

By Michelle Malay Carter on February 5, 2008 

A Quashed Circumvention of the Compensation Industry Machine In the late sixties and early seventies, the compensation industry was abuzz with the groundbreaking Honeywell study I talked about in my last post that found that time span of discretion was correlated with felt fair pay at the +0.86 level. Defensiveness Rather than Curiosity Instead of […]

Filed Under Executive Leadership, Felt Fair Compensation, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management, Work Levels | Comments Off on How the Compensation Industry Machine Silenced a Circumventor – A True Story

If We Really Understood Work, Compensation Would Be a No Brainer

By Michelle Malay Carter on February 4, 2008 

Excavating A 50-Year Old Groundbreaking Compensation Study A major compensation study was conducted at Honeywell in the 1960’s.? The results of that study, which was the PhD dissertation of Roy Richardson, were published in the book, Fair Pay and Work.? Click here for a book review excerpt?with summary results?displayed along with corroborative study information. The […]

Filed Under Executive Leadership, Felt Fair Compensation, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management, Work Levels | 3 Comments

Circumventing the Machine – Wake Up! The World is Changing

By Michelle Malay Carter on January 27, 2008 

I watched a video presentation by two futurists called Media Megatrends.? In it, Glen Hiemstra mentions that his assistant, a member of the?younger?”digital native” generation, remarked that once her phone/mobile device?had projection capability, she would no longer need a computer.? With projection, she could watch video on any wall, and she could type on any […]

Filed Under Accountability, Corporate Values, Employee Engagement, Executive Leadership, Managerial Leadership, Organization Design, Requisite Organization, Strategy, Talent Management | 1 Comment

Seamless Integration – A True Work of Art

By Michelle Malay Carter on January 24, 2008 

We’ve been talking about integrating the work of the team this week.? Do you think the artistry in the following video clip could have been accomplished without a leader integrating the work of the team?

Filed Under Accountability, Managerial Leadership, Requisite Organization, Talent Management | 2 Comments

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